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Agent Orange Exposure Veterans Medal proposed


From VietNow Fall 2013 newsletter

As far back as the 1970s, Vietnam veterans began noticing strange and serious health problems — weird symptoms that doctors were unable to figure out. 

It wasn’t long until independent researchers began looking at a herbicide known as Agent Orange as the possible cause of these health problems. After a few years, these researchers established a definite link between these health problems and Agent Orange. 

As we all know by now, Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide, and the U.S. military sprayed millions of gallons of this poisonous substance all over South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and other places — in the hope of making it harder for the enemy to hide in the lush vegetation of Southeast Asia. 

Agent Orange did a good job, but the price was high. Today, we know, and the VA acknowledges, that there is a long list of serious health problems caused by Agent Orange. 

Many Vietnam veterans have died from illnesses related to Agent Orange. And their families have suffered greatly along with them. Many are still suffering. And many who still seem to be in good health are likely to fall victim in the years to come. 

Some veterans (and their families) have received treatment and financial compensation for their Agent Orange-related illnesses, but the jury is still out on whether the VA is doing everything possible to help veterans with their illnesses. 

Rockford resident Nick Parnello, a Vietnam veteran and an Agent Orange cancer survivor, feels all those who have suffered as a result of exposure to Agent Orange should be honored for these lesser-known wounds of war. 

With help from Lynn Perry, a graphic designer in Rockford, Parnello (who is one of the founders of VietNow) has designed a medal to honor those veterans who have carried the burden of Agent Orange — those veterans who have paid such a high price while serving their country during the Vietnam War. 

With help from individual veterans and veterans organizations, Parnello hopes to get congressional approval for the Agent Orange Veterans Medal, which he feels should be awarded to every Vietnam veteran. 



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